Divorce can take a toll on not only you, but also your children. It can be traumatic to recognize and accept that a marriage must end. However, in order to help your children through this process, it is helpful to know some common effects divorce can have on the kids. Common ...
3 Upland Schools Recognized for Better Nutritional Program by USDA
The USDA has recognized three elementary schools in Upland, California as being “healthier” than other schools. Three elementary schools in Upland, ...
Being a parent can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. There is something to be said about raising a child and watching them grow up to be good ...
Shifts and Redefinition of What It Means to be a Family
When one thinks of a family, the image of a mother, father, and child usually comes to mind. Sometimes, there may or may not be a dog in the picture. ...
When people think of babies, they usually think of mothers before fathers. Women are supposedly said to have the maternal instincts and are the ones ...
The New Year brings an endless array of possibilities. Many people try to focus on fixing things, trying new experiences, going on more adventures, ...
The new school year can be both exciting and nerve racking for not only students, but newly divorced parents as well. It can be tricky navigating the ...